Labor Law
Conflict situations can often arise in the field of labor relations. In such cases, both the employee and the employer may need to protect their rights. Often the resolution of labor disputes comes to court only because the parties did not take the necessary measures for a peaceful settlement of the situation. It is difficult for a citizen without legal knowledge and experience in resolving labor disputes to fight against an organization supported by professional lawyers. Usually, attempts to independently resolve the conflict do not give the desired result. A professional lawyer protects violated rights and helps to find a solution with minimal losses.
Legal Expert in the field of labor law offers:
• advising employers or employees on labor law;
• drawing up employment contracts;
• resolving the issue of unfair disciplinary action;
• drawing up employee liability agreements;
• resolving issues of non-legal provisions contained in an employment contract;
• preparation of claims in labor disputes, provision of legal assistance, representation in court.