Insurance issues

Insurance – relations (between the insured and the insurer) for the protection of the property interests of individuals and legal entities (policyholders) upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of monetary funds (insurance funds) formed from the insurance premiums paid by them (insurance premium) ․ Insurance (insurance business) in the broad sense includes various types of insurance activities (insurance itself, or primary insurance, reinsurance, co-insurance, mutual insurance), which together provide insurance coverage. In this area we offer:


• analysis of insurance contracts, legal assessment of insurance risks, provision of legal opinions;

• legal support of insurance contracts;

• development and implementation of tactics for solving insurance problems;

• negotiating with insurance companies;

• consultation regarding insurance claims;

• protection of interests, negotiation and legal representation in cases of recovery of insurance claims;

• legal representation in disputes related to insurance contracts;

• representation in the office of the Financial System Mediator.


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