N. damaged his car in a car accident. When can N. file an application for damages incurred as a result of an accident?

N. or his successor may apply for insurance compensation within 3 months after the insured event.
The MTPL contract indemnifies third parties for the following types of damage: damage caused to their car, damage to property belonging to the victim, damage to the health of the victim, and also wages that he did not receive as a result of non-work due to an accident, as well as damage caused by his death.

In case you have lost or damaged the CMTPLI agreement.

In this case, you must notify the insurance company in writing form within 2 working days. You can submit an application in person or send it to a company representative or inform an insurance agent. The insurance company, after checking the fact of concluding the contract, is obliged to provide you with a copy of the CMTPLI agreement.

R. wants to insure his car, but the insurance company does not want to sign a contract with R. In what cases an insurance company can refuse R.?

Each insurance company operating in the Republic of Armenia is obliged to sign a compulsory motor liability insurance contract with every person who claims to have the right to sign the contract, unless the conclusion of the contract does not violate the requirements of the law.

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