The Ministry of Justice presented to the public the draft decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia “On Approving the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Action Plan for 2020-2022”.

The basis of the new National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan deriving from it are the priorities set by the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia on February 14, 2019, according to which human rights protection, freedom of the human rights are of key importance in the Government’s five-year activity. to maintain a level of well-being, by creating conditions conducive to creativity, dignity and happiness. he is raising.

2020-2022 National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Consequences of actions.


The goals of the project are:

Effective protection and guarantee of human rights;

Implementation of a consistent state policy aimed at protecting and guaranteeing human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia;

Improvement of civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights protection mechanisms guaranteed by international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, in line with international commitments of the Republic of Armenia, taking into account the recommendations and recommendations of the bodies acting under international treaties related to the protection of human rights;

Raising public awareness of human rights and their remedies by promoting state and local self-government bodies, officials, as well as the public and citizens by protecting their rights, disseminating knowledge of human rights and their remedies through educational programs;

To outline directions for a unified human rights policy, setting the stage for future action.


To achieve the above goals, recognizing the importance of protecting and securing all the rights guaranteed by the RA Constitution and international treaties and pursuing this issue, the following strategic priorities are outlined and set out for the current situation:

1 ․ Protection of civil and political rights,

2 ․ Protection of social economic rights,

Ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities.

A Coordination Council will be set up to coordinate and monitor the implementation of action plans. The strategy sets out the arrangements for the formation and operation of the Coordination Council, according to which the Coordination Council is composed of representatives of public authorities and civil society. The draft also sets out the criteria for the selection and participation of civil society representatives.

At the same time, we inform that in parallel with online discussions, sectoral discussions on projects will be organized in the coming weeks in Yerevan and several regions with the participation of all stakeholders.


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