Amendments on Government Decision 2012 N 165-N
Such changes in this legal act are caused by recent changes in the laws of the Republic of Armenia on state registration of property rights and on bodies of state administration.
In particular, the Law on State Registration of Property Rights of 2019 as amended on July 1 and entered into force on July 27, the Real Estate Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia was renamed the Cadastre Committee, and the requirement for a seal in the final documents submitted by the Cadastre Committee has been canceled. Accordingly, this Decision of the Government proposes to replace the name “Committee on Real Estate Cadastre under the Government of the Republic of Armenia” with the name “Committee on Cadastre” and cancel the mandatory requirement to approve the final documents of the cadastral committee with the seal of notaries or consulates.
The draft decision was presented by the deputy head of the cadastral committee Aram Karakhanyan.